
TP TT Cold Sore Cream

Camphor 5mg/Menthol 5mg/Melaleuca Oil 120mg

Provides soothing relief to cold sores, sun blisters and chapped lips.

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FEATURES AND BENEFITS Contains 100% pure Tea Tree Oil Helps reduce the incidence of cold sores Helps protect lips from harsh sun, cold and wind Low para-cymene content to minimise skin irritation

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Price: $17.95

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Zovirax Cold Sore Cream

Aciclovir 5%

Zovirax Cold Sore Cream is for the treatment of cold sores. Recognise the first symptoms of a cold sore: Often you will feel a tingling, itching , burning sensation.

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Use at the tingle stage. Zovirax can prevent the cold sore developing. If the blister does develop, Zovirax can speed the healing process by days. Zovirax Cold sroe Cream is available in a tube or pump pack.

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Price: $25.95

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